
Modern detached new build location property in London with 3 bedrooms and a mezzanine level.

The ground floor incorporates a courtyard with large glazing and sliding doors.

The ground floor is a bright and large volume with high ceilings lower ground comprises of kitchen and dining with a downstairs WC.

The mezzanine level is clad in a combination of birch plywood, black MDF and white.

Grey wood floor and looks down onto the living area.

A black perforated metal staircase pierces through the volumes connecting the different levels, there
are 7 different levels throughout the house.

Concrete floors to ground and lower ground and wood floors
to upper.

There are two bedrooms and a main bathroom on the first floor and a master bedroom with an
ensuite on the third.

Parking permits to be obtained via the RingGo app

Images displayed on this website are intended to illustrate the style and general overview of the locations. 

It is not a photographic catalogue of the exact decor and furniture; which are subject to change, movement or replacement. 

Any specific requirements must be checked prior to committing to a hire.


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