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British film and TV locations are becoming meccas for people who are visiting the United Kingdom. BBC Television alone is becoming very popular around the world, and people in countries everywhere can watch British television on their local television provider or I-player.
Locations from the Harry Potter films alone have become places where people want to visit, you should see the ques for a picture at platform 9½. Each of the shows and locations below have become locations for tourists who want to see something in person that they have seen on television hundreds of times.
The abbey from Downton Abbey is a castle owned by a wealthy family in the north of England. It appears just as it does in the show, and it is a sight to behold. Most people want to come to the house because they want to see the house and match rooms in the house with scenes from the show. Also, the grounds around the house are beautiful. These grounds play into scenes in the show often, and people can take pictures in the same places where they have seen certain scenes from the show. You can go there and imagine you are Robert Crawley walking Isis down a wooded path away from the home. You can find the nook behind the house where the servants smoke and chat. Plus, you can drive the trails that lead away from the home and into the village. Being in a place such beautiful scenes have been emoted is a vacation and tourism experience that is hard to beat.
Obviously, Doctor Who films in a variety of places and sets because of the many worlds the Doctor visits. However, there are locations in England that match perfectly with the Doctor’s adventures. You can find the places in the north of England where the Doctor has disembarked the TARDIS. You can visit many of the places in London where the Doctor has met with Aliens. The home where a girl was touched by a Weeping Angel can be found in the city, and you can visit the storefronts where the Doctor and Martha met with the girl who saw them twice in space and time.
The Top Gear set is just one of the places where the show takes place. You can visit their set and track in Guildford to watch the show or see how the show is produced. This location alone is where stars from around the world have driven a car around the track. This is also the place where many of the best Formula One drivers in the world have driven a Suzuki Liana around the track at blazing speeds. There are many other locations in Britain where the show has been taped. You could drive the same roads in the Yorkshire Dales where Jeremy tested a Jaguar. You could drive to the top of a mountain in Scotland where Jeremy tested a Range Rover, and you can visit the entrance to the English Channel tunnel that has taken the boys to France many times.
The locations in Harry Potter are much more subtle because so much of the series happens around Hogwart’s Castle. The castle is a real structure in Northumberland that you can visit to see the castle in real-time. However, you can visit the wooded areas around the castle to see much of the scenery that made the outdoor shots in the Harry Potter series so beautiful.
Torchwood takes the story of Captain Jack Harkness to Cardiff in Wales. There are many areas of Cardiff that are prominently featured in the show. The Millenium Centre in Cardiff is in many shots because The Hub on the show is underneath the courtyard outside the building. There are many local areas in Cardiff that you can visit where the show has shot many iconic scenes. The location where Gwen came across the Torchwood team for the first time is easy to find. You can find the location where Gwen had a vision of someone being killed, and you can walk the streets to see the restaurants and bars the characters frequent.
People are bringing their tourism to Britain because they connect with British television and film. If you have not considered this type of holiday, you should think about discovering your favourite filming locations in the British Isles.