
Victorian terraced, 5 bedroom location house in London with small landscaped garden.

The ground floor comprises of a formal sitting room and an open plan kitchen/dining/snug space with high ceilings and large sliding crittal doors. Hallway has original Victorian tiling with small downstairs loo and utility room in the basement.

The first floor has a small study/ large master suite with walk in wardrobe and freestanding bath/ shower room with marble floors.

Top floors have a small nursery/ guest bedroom/ gym/office room and bathroom with marble floors and freestanding cast iron bath. All floors are staggered around an open staircase looking onto the tiling below.

Parking permits to be obtained via the RingGo app

Images displayed on this website are intended to illustrate the style and general overview of the locations.

It is not a photographic catalogue of the exact decor and furniture; which are subject to change, movement or replacement.

Any specific requirements must be checked prior to committing to a hire.


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