+44 (0) 207 252 3900 info@shootfactory.co.uk
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:30
In this section we list all of the location properties where you can paint and decorate. We understand that many clients want to decorate, paint or wallpaper a shoot location so that it resembles the look of the brand. We have years of experience in helping UK and International brands achieve the desired look from a location property to mirror that of the creative.
Each time we add a new location, we speak to the owners and ask if they would consider painting and decorating. We always ask the brand representative, stylist, art director or photographer what areas of the photo shoot location or filming location they would like to paint and decorate.
Past examples of a shoot locations used for a paint and decorate location are where a client paints walls, hangs wallpaper, paints wooden flooring and of course re-instates the shoot location to its original condition. It is fair to say that most shoot location owners do not allow a client to paint exposed brick walls.
In our Location library, a few shoot location owners prefer that their own decorators re-instate the property but mostly, owners are comfortable with the clients team.
If you are working to a particular brief, then contact one of our team who will be happy to highlight a selection of properties suitable for the details of your hire.
Please note that some properties carry restrictions, so you will need to make us aware of your intentions when you contact our team with your enquiry.
Don’t forget that if you prefer to look for yourself, then we also have a Location Search page where you are able to select a particular style of shoot location, or key features to limit your search.