
A luxurious “blank canvas”: large, detached 7 bedroom location property in London with gated driveway.

Big garden with pool at rear. Sauna.

Ground floor paved throughout with red marble and red marble columns. Open plan living/ dining spaces.

Eat-in kitchen with island. Large bespoke retro lacquer furniture including substantial full dining room set and full bedroom sets in bright colours.

3 full bathrooms: 2 featuring Jacuzzis.

A few individual pieces of furniture available as props as well as books for shelves, paintings for walls, as required.

Parking permits to be obtained via the RingGo app

Images displayed on this website are intended to illustrate the style and general overview of the locations. 

It is not a photographic catalogue of the exact decor and furniture; which are subject to change, movement or replacement. 

Any specific requirements must be checked prior to committing to a hire.


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